
Payment method information for customers purchasing from outside Japan

We will provide you with payment methods for those purchasing from outside Japan.

*In the image, the fields are highlighted in red and yellow for easy understanding. The fields on the actual payment screen are white.

①Please enter your email address.

Country/Region is automatically set according to your current location. If it is different, please correct it.

②First name
③Please enter your last name.

④Please enter the address in alphabetical order. For deliveries outside of Japan, we ask that you enter the address in alphabetical order.
*When you enter the address, the City and State (yellow marker part) will be automatically reflected.
*Depending on your country (China, Korea, Taiwan, etc.), the display may be different and you may need to enter your address manually.

⑤In the "Apartment, suite, etc." (optional) section, please enter the building name or apartment number of the delivery address.

⑥Please enter your phone number in Phone.

⑦In the Payment section, enter your payment method.

This completes all the input items. Please check that there are no input errors. Click "Pay now" to complete the payment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Contact page is here